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Elevate & Educate Lunch
Hafer Gibson Building Hafer Gibson Building, Berea College, BereaThe Labor Program would like to invite everyone to attend our Elevate and Educate Lunch Series on Thursday, February 22 at the Hafer-Gibson building room 131. Lunch will be served at 11:30 am and the program will be from 12-1pm. We have a dynamic speaker, Michelle Enjoli who will be sharing her expertise on Navigating […]
Spiritual Seekers
Weekly gathering of those who seek spiritual learning and fellowship. Everyone is welcome! Lunch served. Fireside Room, Draper Building.
REV. DR. LESETTE M. WRIGHT: Peaceseekers: Lessons Learned from Spiritual Care with Survivors of Murder Victims
Phelps Stokes Chapel Chestnut Street, BereaWhat does it mean to seek peace and pursue it? Rev. Dr. LeSette Wright, Dean of the Chapel, is the founder of Peaceseekers, an organization devoted to cultivating partnerships for […]